Putting on Sexiness, 2

Cultivation theory. Repeated exposure tends to yield world view change.
And world view is the term.

I don’t think the cure is having people in your life to tell you good messages. I think there is another route that is to build a kind of immunity, an immune system. Made up of rules with slot?

I’d like to learn more about how de-programming therapy works for cult survivors. How’d they undo it? Refer back also to The Body Keeps The Score.

…It is important to consider what kind of gender identities are being offered to girls in the selection of clothing that is available to them.

Why? Because:

Nearly all clothing has culturally-coded gender markers, and clothing is one of the most significant indicators of gender identity

culturally-coded gender markers

I’d like to know more about this. Is this adjacent to gender schema? How is schema formed? From markers? Might markers make rules with slots?


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