The Way We Look, Code

Jumping ahead to the sections on Code.

To communicate shared meaning … definers, modifiers, and so forth

This reminds me of Barthes’ shifters and so forth. May have to read around this chapter to learn what these are.

a code.. a system of meaning common to members of a culture.

A convention is defined as accepted rules or guidelines established by general consent or custom.

What is general consent exactly?

code consists of both conventions and signs.

Conventions, customs, norms, roles. Is fashion modern?

A sign is … Berger, 1992

Signs are of three types: icon, index, and symbol.

Index is the most difficult to understand to me.

The use of the term “meaning” does not imply message.

Come again?

In Korean culture there are a variety of defines and modifiers that influence a traditional code.


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