When I was looking for an old copy of Clothing, the portable environment, I found this guy.
Minnesota’s Claim to Underwear Fame
What is it with MN and clothing / apparel / underwear?
I engaged in thoughtful conversations with cross-dressers about foundation wear … Once I even ran interference for a bride-to-be who was having a meltdown in the dressing room while she contemplated her future.
I imagine that apparel design and even human factors-related design is something like this. The work is natural tool-building for another human, another person, another people.
Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel
I never noticed how easily housing and apparel go together without thinking about portable environments, and the book calling this out was an affirmation.
we just can’t seem to shake the hold underwear has on us. And we probably never will.
What does the author mean? I’m not sure her fascination is universal. I’m interested enough to pick up this book and others like it, but from what I can see its a fringe interest.
Winter wool long underwear, a necessity in cold climates, was an item of torture for millions who simply could not tolerate the feel of wool against their skin.
an ingenious process to plate silk on wool … creating a fabric that was warm yet would not irritate the skin.
There has always been a great deal of trouble in getting the ladies’ drawers to fit nicely. In these you see a perfect fit.
From the 1890s.
This is an age too where the manufacturing happened here, in the states, in MN, not China or another country.
ladies’ under vests
What’s that?
union suits
What’s that?
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