Category: Atomic Components of Thought

  • ACT

    The new atomic constraints on productions and chunks are critical to achieve and understanding of parameter variation. I understand this. There must be some work embedded inside of ACT-R. We are carving nature at the joints as the author said earlier. connectionist computation … how the brain organizes human cognition Just as a person who…

  • ACT

    Maybe all of this will wash away from my memory once the fall semester begins, but there’s some solid reasons why I’m here. ACT-R checks a lot of boxes. It has that tangibility of a tool that I gravitate toward. It has the potential to do many things that I’m interested in. and in a…

  • ACT

    Chunks enter declarative memory either as popped goals, reflecting the solutions to past problems, or as perceptions from the environment. The perceptions from the environment pieces is exciting and I think very important. Productions are created from declarative chunks through a process called production compilation. Can productions be created dynamically, and run-time? Seems cognitively plausible…

  • Atomic Components of Thought

    I’m returning to this book having practiced a little in ACT-R. The Lisp syntax really held me back for a bit, but once I jumped in and tried writing the sample code myself instead of only reading the sample code, it it wasn’t as difficult as I felt it was at first. So far the…