Category: Uncategorized

  • Algebra Semiotics, 4

    just as modern biology focuses on molecular structures like DNA rather than on descriptive classifications schemes. … Semiotics should focus on the structure of the sign systems rather than on ad hoc properties of individual signs and their settings.. Fashion, User Interface design, take note.

  • Making inteface swatches & the heat problem

    The lady in JoAnns told me her husband worked on soft heat coils. PRetty cool.  The thing I want to make first is something I want to wear myself! A voice recorder!  The hardware is ready but its been waiting for a swatch that can protect me from heat.  Once I sew this together, I’ll…

  • Project Jacquard

    A well over due read.  Any object made using Jacquard textiles can be digitally interactive and computationally responsive.   digital sensing and computation become basic properties of the textile materials — like weight, color, and elasticity. Interested in the computation piece of this. I don’t see any computation power in these fabrics? Going back to read…

  • Finding the right board

    I feel like I spend a fair amount of time search for the right microcontroller for the project. And I want to consider form factor and battery life, too.If I had a database of all the microcontrollers I care about (the open source hardware ones) I could find the right one for the job sooner.…

  • Today in e-broidery

    One touch point seems to be working. I’m not positive this is capacitive touch, but I don’t really mind that. I get how this works. I’m not sure without the capactive touch library I could have a single … yeah actually I probably could do it w/o the library, not as capacitive touch, but just…

  • What is NLP, Pt 2

    Word embeddings vs edit distance

  • Fashion Studies

    I may make this a tradition to read something outside the field on the weekends as the kids are going to bed. This field is an exciting one for me and I have had some connections stir this interest more for me. Clothing is a good indication of the material culture of a society for…

  • Thoughts on Transformable Garments

    Participants expected transformable garments to be easier to match and layer than regular garments. Participants expected transformable tops to increase wear- ing comfort with regard to body temperature and body movement. To be worn frequently and provide longer use, trans- formable garments need to be easy to use, care for, and durable. Consider a kind…

  • Mental workload & wearable technology

    Just doing a bit of free reading between classes. Has anyone compared wearables on the basis of workload? Google Scholar: goms wearables Mental workload was already identified as a critical criterion for acceptance of assistive devices in the 1970s and the rise of myoelectric prostheses In a human-computer interaction context such as that of…

  • Textile Technology

    Although textiles are one of humankind’s oldest technologies, materials scientists and roboticists are just beginning to tap into their potential. One of my favorite things about wearable technology. Old and new melding. Full systems are subsequently built through cut-and-sew techniques, piecing these components together into a robotic garment. Neat. Object-oriented. Ha! What is cut and…