Tag: beauty

  • Meta analysis of beauty magazines

    Sometimes I’m curious if anyone charts the kind of things that go on in a culture. I’m curious if we can look at messages and break them down into their DNA. I expect garments to be riding the wave of these messages and also reinforcing these messages, as a kind of “relay”. no longer a…

  • That Swimsuit becomes you

    What caught my eye about this one is thinking about the Bell work, enclothed cognition, and objectification theory. When I think about objectification theory there are elements that I think I do not experience, but I also think that maybe there is something more general that all people experience. People spend mental energy and focus…

  • The Centerfold Syndrome

    Men compete in this way because they believe that the tokens of masculinity are in short supply. I don’t feel this way now, but I remember from about 14 – 19, maybe into some 20s I felt this way thought I never thought about it in quite these terms. when boys compete to be the…

  • He Chose You, He was like his robe

    Jesus was like his robe: uninterrupted perfection.

  • An intimate affair

    Clothing thus provides a rich area in which to explore how masculine and feminine identities takes place within a social order of gender-based inequalities

  • Wearing Ideology

    I’m excited by this idea, but still reaching for something formal. This same recipe led me to the Fashion System and look how that turned out. Still very interesting to me. a symbolic interactionist approach From the back cover: [Uniforms] popularity suggests important linkages: material culture, politico-economic projects, bodily management, and the construction of subjectivity…

  • The Centerfold Syndrome, part 2

    Voyeurism I’m shook that someone is calling this wrong. I thought it was always about averting my gaze, watching where my eyes go, saying Flee to youthful lusts. Its nothing short of breathtaking to have someone say that what those glossy magazines are doing is wrong. To men and in turn women. I’ll have to…

  • The Centerfold Syndrome

    A book can take you anywhere. Probably a slogan from my childhood. Reading Rainbow or something. Who’s Calvin Brooks I wonder? Father most likely. Interesting dedication. isolating men in their own fantasies toward the expression of emotional intimacy and sexuality greater sense of intimacy and true partnership Only research and public discourse can clarify this.…

  • The Second Skin, Ch 8 Role & Status

    I’ve been thinking about gender schema since last summer, starting with the Lara Croft paper and other influences. Another thing is how our bodies and our clothing enables us to live as who we are, in the roles we prefer. I think about those whose bodies do not enable the roles they prefer. What a…

  • The Second Skin, 2

    In psychological terms, clothing is both a stimulus and a response. they interpret its meaning according to the associations they have learned to make with it over a long period of time. Meaning It often indicates suppressed needs and desires. I’d like to more about this. how exactly? the analysis of dress can lend insight…