Tag: cognitive
Mental workload & wearable technology
Just doing a bit of free reading between classes. Has anyone compared wearables on the basis of workload? Google Scholar: goms wearables https://jneuroengrehab.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12984-021-00953-w Mental workload was already identified as a critical criterion for acceptance of assistive devices in the 1970s and the rise of myoelectric prostheses In a human-computer interaction context such as that of…
The new atomic constraints on productions and chunks are critical to achieve and understanding of parameter variation. I understand this. There must be some work embedded inside of ACT-R. We are carving nature at the joints as the author said earlier. connectionist computation … how the brain organizes human cognition Just as a person who…
Maybe all of this will wash away from my memory once the fall semester begins, but there’s some solid reasons why I’m here. ACT-R checks a lot of boxes. It has that tangibility of a tool that I gravitate toward. It has the potential to do many things that I’m interested in. and in a…
Chunks enter declarative memory either as popped goals, reflecting the solutions to past problems, or as perceptions from the environment. The perceptions from the environment pieces is exciting and I think very important. Productions are created from declarative chunks through a process called production compilation. Can productions be created dynamically, and run-time? Seems cognitively plausible…
Computers as Cognitive Tools, Vol 2
What is situated learning? Like learning situated in a computer? lol Blurred lines. What is learning? When does learning start and stop? Can you say I learned 4 units today? I gained 4 unites of knowledge today. I learned at a speed of .5 units per hour which is good. To model learning seems like…
Computers as Cognitive Tools, Vol 2
/It would have made more sense to start with Vol 1 I admit but this one jumped off the shelf to me and has since become my first checkout at the new university. Lots here to do with modeling I expect./ No more walls I think I know what is meant by this. I’m thinking…
The Atomic Components of Thought
No one person could have done it alone and it could not have been done by a bunch of individuals working in isolation. Introduction Newell’s Dream The challenge of science is to find the order that exists in the complexity of the world. …modern cognitive psychology … has tended to adopt a divide-and-conquer approach to…
Wild, Predicting Human Performance at Design-Time
A question that I have is can people predict the comfort of a worn object? Can you predict the wearability of something? Can you compare two versions of the worn object based on this predicted index? Google Scholar: predicting wearable comfort Maybe this is something: https://escholarship.org/content/qt3fb0p5gk/qt3fb0p5gk.pdf Seems a little machine learn-y. predicting wearable human performance…
CMN, Engineering Models
Chapter 8, Engineering Models I’m here because I’m interested in how KLM or GOMS generally might be applied to novel input/output devices, possibly worn. This chapter I feel gives one a good sense of an instance of a GOMS type of language in KLM. I love this idea of operators. With GOMS, this felt kind…