Tag: wearables
Patches for my Interaction Swatchbook
A few needed patches. Imagine a button that can issues a audio stimulus from the audio port. Like state into recording or not, or a query into some state of the device. Bluetooth is a great technology for ambeint state information. Is it a good way to issue a button press? Why wouldn’t this just…
experiments in perceptibility, social and heat
My heat insulator design was defeated by a seatbelt. after a few hours the wear became unbearable once again. Undoubtably because it compresses the crochet to where there is no longer an air barrier. Today I’ve flipped it to the other shoulder and the shirt is different. This print gives away the bulge more than…
Making inteface swatches & the heat problem
The lady in JoAnns told me her husband worked on soft heat coils. PRetty cool. The thing I want to make first is something I want to wear myself! A voice recorder! The hardware is ready but its been waiting for a swatch that can protect me from heat. Once I sew this together, I’ll…
Signal-to-Noise – Lab Friday
I’m feeling like I’ve mastered the SNR things. This probably isn’t quite right. There seems to be two big things before me. What do you want to work on today? There is a kind of noise that comes from talking and moving. The talking piece is straightforward. The moving piece not hard but the domain…
How do you know a good signal from a bad one? – Lab Friday
First Friday back in the lab. Waiting for lunch to be delivered. Where did I leave off? How do you know a good signal from a bad one? The idea of feature extraction and SNR, the two previous pomodoros, are co-mingling. There’s a ton of papers to find once you know the term : phonocardiogram.…
A survey of Glove-based systems and their applications
Sayre glove = 1977 VPL data glove 5-15 sensors Super Glove 1995. 10-16 sensors, resistive ink P5 glove 2002, “updated version of the power glove” Major limitations originated from the cloth support, which acted as a constraint on the user’s hand, and from the need for a tedious user-specific calibration procedure. Will we run into…
A survey of glove-based input
Consider adding the resolution of bend for the various gloves. Seems like a table might have been possible in this paper. The advantage of this model of interaction is naturalness — users’ actions correlate closely with those that might be performed on physical objects. many researchers and companies developing systems for virtual environments favor 3D…
Mental workload & wearable technology
Just doing a bit of free reading between classes. Has anyone compared wearables on the basis of workload? Google Scholar: goms wearables https://jneuroengrehab.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12984-021-00953-w Mental workload was already identified as a critical criterion for acceptance of assistive devices in the 1970s and the rise of myoelectric prostheses In a human-computer interaction context such as that of…
Textile Technology
Although textiles are one of humankind’s oldest technologies, materials scientists and roboticists are just beginning to tap into their potential. One of my favorite things about wearable technology. Old and new melding. Full systems are subsequently built through cut-and-sew techniques, piecing these components together into a robotic garment. Neat. Object-oriented. Ha! What is cut and…
Understanding Fitness Tracker Users’ Security and Privacy Knowledge…
Personal data collected by fitness trackers can leave users open to security and privacy threats, often without their knowledge. I think less of the Fibit that logged 5 mins of vigorous sex, shared it with your friends, and gave you a badge, and more about the running routes of military personnel. People seem to think…